Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Social Performance and Social Influence

Social Performance and Social Influence Introduction Social performance is the study of how the presence of others affects behavior. At times, the mere presence of others can have a facilitating or motivating effect, improving performance. However, when others are present, people may also become hindered or less motivated. This class will explore how one's perception of others determines one's response. Hetherington, Anderson, Norton, and Newson (2003) explored how eating behavior is influenced when eating alone, with strangers, or with friends.Would you predict that eating with others has a facilitating effect, increasing food intake, or the opposite effect, decreasing the amount of food eaten? Research on social influence, which refers to how the attitudes and opinions of others influence one's attitudes and opinions, is one of the greatest contributions of social psychological research in understanding human behavior. This class focuses on two different types of social influence, one that serves to maintain group norms (social control: conformity and obedience) and the other that aims to change group norms (social change by minority influence and innovation).Social psychologist, Dr. Robert Cialdini has researched basic principles that govern how one person may influence another. You will read about these six principles in his 2002 article â€Å"The Science and Practice of Persuasion. † Social Performance Aristotle first called humans social animals. People tend to gather, play, and work in groups. Groups fulfill a variety of functions such as satisfying the need to belong, providing support and intimacy, and assisting in accomplishing tasks that individuals could not accomplish alone, etc.In Chapter 13 of the textbook, groups will be defined as two or more people working together on a task in which the outcome is quantifiable. This discussion will focus on two major areas that have been researched since the end of the 19th century: social facilitation and social loafing. Social Facilitation At first glance, these terms seem to be opposing behaviors: social facilitation refers to the fact that people work harder in groups, whereas social loafing describes their tendency reduce their efforts when in groups.The difference, it appears, is how people view the individuals in their groups–whether they perceive those in the group as being with them us or against them. If group members are against them, they perceive them as competitors, evaluators, or sources of comparison, which is likely to increase or facilitate their efforts. If they are with them, sharing in the demands of the task and evaluation, they are likely to â€Å"loaf† or reduce our efforts. These findings appear counterintuitive.Research on social facilitation began with Triplett (1989) who observed that cyclists pedaled faster, or performed better, when others were present than when performing alone. He argued that the other biker was a stimulus, arousing a competitive instinct in the cyclist. He tested his theory by asking children to wind fishing reels either alone or beside other children. The majority of the children turned the wheel faster when working alongside another child than when reeling alone. Allport (1924) termed this effect social facilitation.Still, it seemed that many disagreed about whether the presence of others increased or decreased performance on tasks. Zajonc (1965) renewed interest in social facilitation, and suggested that the presence of others enhanced a dominant response–which is the most probable response on a given task. If the task is simple and well-learned, the dominant response will be facilitated. For example, if you were a skilled concert pianist, performing in front of others would increase your proficiency on the task; you would play beautifully.Since you are not skilled at this art, being observed by others would no doubt cause anxiety and would result in quite the opposite effect, inhibit ing your performance. Zajonc was suggesting that the presence of others increases drive. Others were still arguing that it was the evaluation or the competition associated with others being present that produced the drive. Whether it was mere presence or evaluation apprehension that increased the drive, the drive theory remained the dominant thought of the time.Alternative approaches to social-facilitation effects fall into three classes: The first was the continued thought that the presence of others increases drive by evaluation apprehension. The second thought suggested that the situation places demands on the individual to behave in a particular way; individuals are engaged in self-presentation and self-awareness. The third idea argued that the presence of others affects focus and attention to the task, meaning that the task becomes cognitive. Hence, the controversy over whether it is the mere presence of others or evaluation that causes social facilitation is unresolved.Social Loafing Social facilitation research demonstrates that the presence of others sometimes enhances performance, yet at times reduces it. But, how does working with others affect motivation? Many would argue that groups should energize and motivate. The tendency for individuals to work less hard on a collective task than on an individual task is called social loafing. For example, those group projects at work or school where a few individuals did the majority of the work–social loafing.Research in this area has been conducted in a way that makes individuals believe that they are either working alone or working with others–then measures efforts toward the task. For example, Ringelmann (Kravitz & Martin, 1986) had volunteers pull on a rope as hard as they could in groups of varying sizes. Their efforts decreased as group sizes increased. This was explained in two ways: their motivation decreased as groups size increased or maybe the larger groups were not able to coordinate their efforts efficiently. Researchers sought to tease apart these two factors, focusing on motivation.You can imagine that it was difficult to devise methods that lead participants to believe they were either working alone (when they were not) or with others (when they were working alone), which lends to the difficulty of studying social loafing. However, over 100 studies (Steiner, 1972; Griffith, Fichman, & Moreland, 1989; Jackson & Williams, 1985; Henningsen et al. , 2000) have tested the effects of groups on motivation, and social loafing has been replicated in most of these studies. Other theories have attempted to explain social loafing.Social impact theory states that when a group is working together, the expectation is that the effort should be diffused across all participants, resulting in diminished effort. Arousal reduction postulates that the presence of others should increase drive only when they are observers and reduce our efforts when they are coworkers. Evaluation potential suggests that social loafing occurs because individual efforts are so difficult to identify during a collective task; one can easily hide in the crowd or may feel they will not be acknowledged for their hard work.Dispensability of effort argues that individuals may feel their efforts are unnecessary or dispensable. The group simply does not need them. An integrative theory: the collective effort model states that individuals will work hard on a task only to the degree to which they believe their efforts will be instrumental in leading to outcomes they value, personally. Hence, the value they place on the task (and their efforts) depends on their personal beliefs, task meaningfulness, favorable interactions with the group, the nature of the rewards, and the extent to which their future goals are impacted by the task.Social loafing can be moderated, or reduced, when individuals' efforts can be identified or evaluated, when individuals are working on a task they deem as impor tant or of personal relevance, or when individuals are working with cohesive groups or close friends. Individual differences or characteristics also influence who engages in social loafing less because they value collective outcomes. For example, a need for affiliation, a hard work ethic, or high self-monitoring can influence effort. It should be clear that the mere presence of others is arousing.It appears that if others are competitors or evaluators they facilitate motivation to work harder. If individuals see others as a part of themselves, they can hide behind them or their efforts can get lost in the efforts of others. Further research in this area can help us determine how our view of others affects our motivation and performance. Social Influence Processes of Control and Change Social influence is one of the primary research areas in social psychology and refers to the ways in which opinions and attitudes influence the opinions and attitudes of others.Two types of social infl uence can be identified in groups: influence aimed at maintaining group norms (social control) or changing group norms (social change). The most common form of social control is conformity, where an individual complies with or accepts the group's views. Since the influence is typically within a context of a group of people influencing an individual, it is referred to as majority influence. Another type of social control is obedience, where individuals obey an authority figure, often against their will.For group norms to change, a small subset of the group must resist the majority view, which is termed minority influence. If minorities never resisted, group opinions would persist, fashions would never change, innovations would not come about, etc. It must be clear that the term majority refers to the larger group of people who hold the normative view and has power over others. Minority groups tend to be small, hold nonnormative positions, and wield very little power.This study textbo ok is concerned with two influence processes: processes that ensure that others adhere to the group's position (social control; conformity and obedience) or processes that aim to change the group's position (social change: innovation and active minorities). Social influence has studied how individuals conform to the majority, often by giving an obvious erroneous response to a question. According to Festinger (1950, 1954), this occurs because there are social pressures for groups to reach consensus, especially when there is a group goal.Individuals seek social approval and seek others to verify their opinions. Deutsch and Gerard (1955) distinguish between normative social influence (conforming to expectations of others) and informational social influence (accepting information from the group as reality). Another view is that people conform over concerns for positive self-evaluations, to have good relationships with others, and to better understand a situation by reducing uncertainty. Social influence also addresses why people comply with acts that clearly cause harm to another.The study of obedience is intimately tied to one social psychologist–Stanley Milgram (1963). His post-WWII research aimed to understand why people willingly engaged in the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis. People probably preferred to believe these were evil, disturbed men who were intrinsically evil? However, many of them claimed they were not responsible for their behavior. After all, they were simply following orders. In Milgram's (1963) classic study, he led participants (who were assigned to be â€Å"teachers†) to believe they were administering harmful shocks to the â€Å"learners† each time they made an error on a task.The experimenter (the authority figure) demanded they increase the level of shock for each incorrect response. As shocks increased, the receiver (the learner, who was out of the sight of the teacher) responded with distressed reactions. Howeve r, the teacher was encouraged, even demanded, to continue the experiment, even though he believed the learner was experiencing extreme distress. The question was, to what extent normal people would obey the instructions of the authority figure and administer harmful levels of shock to harm another individual.Milgram's results showed that a full 65% of all participants administered every level of shock, surpassing levels believed to do fatal harm to subjects. Milgram's findings have been replicated with consistent results. Why did they obey? Milgram offered the following explanations: (a) they had entered into a contract with the experimenter and did not wish to spoil the experiment; (b) they were absorbed in the experiment and lost sight of the implications of their actions; (c) the participants are acting for the experimenter; they may be pushing the buttons, but they are not responsible, the experimenter is.Notice these are all situational explanations; participants were put into a powerful role relationship with the experimenter. However, when the experimenter was not visible, or another participant played the role of the experimenter, obedience rates decreased, but did not fall to zero, indicating the role relationship did not fully account for their obedience. Milgram's research remains some of the most intriguing and influential in social psychology. Minority InfluenceMoscovici's (1976) book Social Influence and Social Change, he argues that minorities can create conflict by offering a different perspective, thereby challenging the dominant or majority view. Moscovici claims that people trying to avoid conflict may dismiss the minority position, and possibly denigrate it. However, when the minority demonstrates commitment to their position, the majority may consider the minority view as a viable alternative. He called this the minority's behavioral style–meaning the way the message is organized and communicated.By standing up to the majority, the minority demonstrates that it is certain, confident, committed, and not easily persuaded. Researchers have compared majority and minority influence. Conversion theory is the dominant perspective and argues that all forms of influence, whether minority or majority, create conflict that individuals are motivated to reduce. However, people employ different processes depending on whether the conflict is the result of majority influence or minority influence. Comparison process suggests that people focus attention on fitting in, or complying with what others say.Their goal is to identify with the group and comply with the majority position, often times without examining the majority's arguments in detail. Social comparison can drive majority influence, but cannot motivate minority influence, according to Moscovici (1976), because people desire to disassociate themselves with undesirable groups. Because minority groups tend to be distinctive, they stand out, and this encourages a validati on process where some examine the judgments in order to confirm or validate them–to see what it is the minority saw or to understand the minority's view.This process can lead to increased message processing which results in an attitude change on an indirect, latent, or private level. Convergent-divergent theory is proposed by Nemeth (1986) and simply states that people expect to share the same attitude as the majority and to differ from the minority (the false-consensus heuristic). Stress is the result of realizing that the majority has a different perspective than oneself, especially if one is in the physical presence of the majority. Stress narrows one's attention and majority influence, and then leads to convergent thinking.Minorities, on the other hand, do not cause high levels of stress, since they hold different views, which allows for less restricted focus of attention and leads to a greater consideration of alternatives that may not have been considered without the in fluence of the minority view. This results in creative and original solutions. Other theories that integrate minority and majority influence include mathematical models, objective-consensus models, conflict-elaboration theory, context/comparison model, and self-categorization theory.More contemporary models include social-cognitive responses with an emphasis on information-processing such as the elaboration likelihood model and the heuristic systematic model we discussed in an earlier chapter. New research continues to develop. Conclusion This module reviewed social psychological research that has made great contributions to the understanding of human behavior. Early research (e. g. , Triplett, 1898; Zajonc, 1965) led to the beginning of the relatively new field of social psychology.Research investigating social performance–whether performance is improved (social facilitation) or hindered (social loafing) by the presence of others became widely studied as researchers inquired about under what circumstances and what variables determined our response. Supplementary reading by Hetherington (2006) examined the effects of the presence of others on eating behavior. Milgram's (1963) research on obedience may be some of the most cited research in social psychology. Cialdini's contributions to the study of social influence (and social psychology in general) have been significant, as well.References Allport , F. (1924). The influence of the group upon association and thought. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 3, 159-182. Cialdini, R. B. , & Goldstein, N. J. (2002). The science and practice of persuasion. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly,43(2), 40-50. Deutsch, M. & Gerard, H. B. (1955). A study of normative and informational social influences upon individual judgment. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 51, 629-636 Festinger, L. (1950). Informal social communication. Psychological Review, 57, 271-282.Festinger, L. (1954). A theory of social comparison processes. Human Relations, 7, 337-360. Griffith, T. L. , Fichman, M. , & Moreland, R. L. (1989). Social loafing and social facilitation: An empirical test of the cognitive-motivational model of performance. Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 10, 253-271. Henningsen, D. D. , Cruz, M. G. & Miller, M. L. (2000). Role of social loafing in predeliberation decision making. Group dynamics: Theory, research and practice, 4, 168-175. Hetherington, M. M. , Anderson, A. S. , Norton, G.N. M. , & Newson, L. (2006). Situational effects on meal intake: A comparison of eating alone with eating with others. Physiology & Behavior, 88, 498-505. Jackson, J. M. , & Williams, K. D. (1985). Social loafing on difficult tasks: Working collectively can improve performance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 49, 937-942. Kravitz, D. A. & Martin, B. (1986). Ringelmann rediscovered: The original article. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 50, 936-941. Milgram, S. (1963 ). Behavioral study of obedience.Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 67, 371-378. Moscovici, S. (1976). Social influence and social change. London, England: Academic Press. Nemeth, C. (1986). Differential contributions of majority and minority influence. Psychological Review, 93, 23-32. Steiner, I. D. (1972). Group processes and productivity. San Diego, CA: Academic Press. Triplett, H. C. (1989). The dynamogenic factors in peacemaking and competition. American Journal of Psychology, 9, 507-533. Zajonc, R. (1965). Social facilitation. Science, 149, 269-274.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Bad Effects to Health of Excessive Computer Use

THE BAD EFFECTS TO HEALTH OF EXCESSIVE COMPUTER USE A Research Paper Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement In English 102A – Writing in Discipline By: Go, Alyssa Y. Vergara, Bellie Anne S. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE OCTOBER 8, 2010 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND Introduction Today, computers play a very large part in our daily lives. We use computer for a lot of things like business, education, communication and entertainment. We can find computers almost everywhere nowadays, at offices, at school and even at almost every home. Because of the computer’s speed and efficiency, we always turn to it to get our work done. As a result, many people tend to spend long hours using it. And using the computer for an extended period of time results to several health problems. As computer science students, this means that when we graduate, we will eventually get a job that will require us to use computer for long periods of time. It is important that we should know the risk of our profession such as the health problems that we would most likely have to face. This research could also aid the general public who uses computers in their daily lives. It could help us to know the health problems caused by the extensive use of computers and the possible solutions to prevent or overcome it. Stamatellos(2007) stated in his work that the extensive use of computers can result two possible health problems: the â€Å"Computer Vision Syndrome† (CVS) and the â€Å"Repetitive Strain Injury† (RSI). CVS is a series of eye problems due to staring at the monitor of a computer for a long period of time. RSI is an intense pain felt on a particular muscle, joint or ligament that is used to repeat the exact same movements. If these problems are not treated it could lead to permanent damage to your health and consequently to your life. The health of users are key component in information system. However, people don’t bother to take care of themselves, and when the time comes they discover they have so many illnesses. The widespread use of computers is now casing health concerns. This research discusses the preventions and cures the user can do to keep them healthy at office and at home. There are some ergonomic concepts that we can follow to take precautions to prevent this injuries. Take a break after using computer, do some simple exercise during that time. Stretching and doing some simple wrist in your hands and arms. To prevent injury to typing, place a wrist rest between the key board and at the edge of your desk. To prevent injury using a mouse, place the mouse at least six inches from the edge of the desk. The eye strain is not a serious or long term illnesses. You should get regular eye examination, through this you can take care of yourself. Another one is the back pain, muscle fatigue, it caused by poor posture; get an ergonomic chair it allows you to sit and to use arms and hands in healthier way. Sit properly in the chair, your feet should be flat on the floor. You can just go and take a break and be sure that your workplace is well more designed. Statement of the problem This research focuses on defining the bad effects to health of using the computer for an extended period of time. This research will answer the following questions: * What are the specific health problems we may acquire by using the computer excessively? * What are the causes of the said health problems? * What are the possible solutions we can do to cure or prevent these problems? * What is an ergonomic workplace? * How can we make our workstations ergonomic? Significance of the study This research gives information regarding health problems due to the extensive use of computer among users, computer professionals and its association with working environment conditions. A significant portion of computer users were found to be having health problems and this denotes that the occupational health of the people working in the computer field needs to indicate occupational health problems such as Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) and Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This research further explains that long periods of working at a computer can cause eyestrain and overuse injuries of the hands and wrists. Using this research, employers and managers can help transform working stations to be more ergonomic. The working place will be more suitable and comfortable for the workers. Furthermore, it will lessen the chances of the workers getting computer health related problems. Scope and delimitation This study limits its coverage on the people who are working in the computers for long period of time, particularly company employers identify the health problems that they encounter and to propose possible solution regarding this problem. This study considers every aspect of the employee’s health information that has an impact on their performance such as their condition regarding office work. The wide of using computers has led some important health concerns, which is associated with occupational safety and health concerns. Many people use computers as part of their job. If you use one and suffer illnesses it may be because of the way you are using the computer. Problems such as suffering from strain in the back of the hand due to excessive ‘mouse' clicking, eye strain, shoulder and back pains or stress or neck ache if you use a computer without a break for a long time. The employees suffered this condition because of their heavy work loads and regular night work. Furthermore they face number of health issues particularly (RSI) Repetitive Strain Injuries and (CVS) Computer Vision Syndrome. Methodology The goal of this research is to ascertain the different bad effects of using the computer for an extended period of time. To reach this goal, we conduct surveys and interview of individuals who are working with computers long periods of time. Surveys are done for all the employees of a particular computer company to determine whether there really is an overall increase chance for people who are working with computers to get computer related health problems and to ascertain which health related problems they’ve got. The data collected from this test are recorded and later tested for relevance. Interviews are done with employees who already have computer related health problem. This is to determine which health problems are more prevalent and which health problems are rare. Using these interviews, we get the possible causes of the said health problems. An inspection of the workplace conducted. This is to test if the working environment is indeed another factor affecting or causing health problems. All of the data collected from the said methods and complied, tested and further analyzed to reach concrete results. GANTT CHART Day| Activity| Day 1August 17, 2010| Brainstorming| Day 2August 20, 2010| Arguing for the research topic| Day 3August 24, 2010| Getting resources| Day 4August 25, 2010| Making the final research title and thesis statement| Day 5August 27, 2010| The submission of the research title and thesis statement| Day 6August 31, 2010| Introduction of the research| Day 7September 3, 2010| Submission of the Introduction| Day 8September 7, 2010| Submission of the Statement of the problem| Day 9September 14, 2010| Submission of the Significance of the study| Day 10September 17, 2010| Submission of the Scope and Delimitation| Day 11September 21, 2010| Submission of the research Methodology| Day 12September 24, 2010| Submission of the Definition of Terms| Day 13September 28, 2010| Submission of Bibliography| Definition of terms End-user as used in this research refers to a person who is operating computer. Bad Effects as used in this research refers to the physical disorder that affects person. Ergonomic as used in this research refers to the strategic ordering of the lay-out of the workplace such that it will be more suitable and comfortable for the user. Information system as used in this research refers to the specific use of the computer to support user actions such as operations, management and decision making. Health as used this research refers to the physical well being of a person. Computer Science as used in this research refers to the study of the theoretical and practical use of the computer system. Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) as used in this research refers to eye strain problem due to staring at the monitor of a computer for long period of time. Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) as used in this research refers to the painful injury in the hands or wrist caused by the repeated usage of the keyboard and the mouse. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) as used in this research refers to the disease of the hand characterized by the numbness, tingling, pain and weakness. Bibliography Books Bentham, P. (1996). VDU terminal sickness: Computer Health risk and how to protect yourself. London: Jon Carpenter, Publishing. Morley, D. & Parker, S. (2008). Understanding computers: Today and tomorrow (11th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Shelly, G. , Cashman, T. & Vermaat, M. (2008). Discovering computers: Fundamentals (4th ed. ). USA: Thomson Course Technology. Stametellos, G. (2007). Computer ethics: A global perspective. U. S. A : Jones and Ballet publishers, Inc. Williams, B. , & Sawyer, S. (2007). Using Information Technology: A practical introduction to computers and communications (7th ed. ). New York: Mc Graw-Hill companies Inc. Internet source Hege Crowton. (2010). Health Risk Due to long hours at your computer. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://www. ariticlecity. com/articles/health/article_2730. shtml The American Optometric Association’s article on CVS. (2010). Computer Vision Syndrome. Retrieved September 15, 2010, from http://www. aoa. org/x5374. xml Top 4 Health Problems Caused By Computer Use. Retrieved September 28, 2010, from http://heheli. com /business/top-4-health-problems-caused-by-computer-use/ Long hours at Computer: Health Risks & Prevention. Retrieved from September 28, 2010, from http://www. lifemojo. com/lifestyle/long-hours-at-computer-health-risk-prevention-26899842

Monday, July 29, 2019

History in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History in Education - Essay Example History of Canadian Education The Historical Events When it comes to Canadian society, the role of education has always remained pivotal. There are several historical events of Canadian education system which point out to the importance of education in society. Just like the process of learning which began in Canada when the Catholic Church started giving the formal education to the people on multiple subjects (mathematics, religion, and historical philosophy). Similarly, the French Canadian sisters of the congregation with the support of Government brought in place several schools in rural areas of the country (Angelfire 1-2). This was the beginning of an education reform (the early 17th century reform) where both the society and the government were seemed engaged in the educational establishment. The point of impression is the basic schooling which has always remained signified in Canadian education system. Likewise, the Catholic missionaries who stepped up in the mid-17th century to bring in place the Catholic schools. The point of surprise is that due to social, economic, political and cultural divides, the Canadian education system remained discriminated in the history of education. It was the presence of minorities (Blacks and Asians) which made discrimination to intrude the education system (Gaffield 1-4). ... tegration was supposed on an immediate assimilation as minority Indians were not prepared to transmute into the socioeconomic order of the Whites (Barman). Actually, the minority Indians wanted to carry on their own cultural and educational norms instead of imitating the Whites. This caused the discrimination to enter the Canadian society as the Federal government argued where education section was most influenced and got affected. The Canadian Whites of the time asserted that it was the governments’ parsimony that weakened the process of education. However, the discrimination was there in the schools and at the work places especially where the Indians-Asians were the most present (Barman 106). Cooper (2013) uncovers the story of Mary Bibb- a famous black female teacher in the nineteenth century North America, who was famous but still was unknown to the people who were writing history (Hill). The author describes Mary Bibb as a leader, a reformer and an educationist who was hi dden somewhere in the history of education- in the history of Canadian education where positions of minorities were remained undiscussed and less highlighted (Cooper 141-144). Challenges in Literature The primary challenge in reading was the text itself as the text presented in the Canadian history is not describing the position of minorities in whole. Just like the story of black teacher â€Å"Mary Bibb†, where author Cooper (2013) has tried to uncover her life experiences but still have not able to present her life in detail and comprehensive way (Hill). The literature has presented the facts in tits and pieces and is not depicting the special events like the educational discrimination between the Indian and White Girls in clarity. This has made the literature more general to connect to the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Love- Spare Time Equipment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Love- Spare Time Equipment - Case Study Example n brands of small pleasure boats, outboard motor, snowmobiles, jet skis, a line of trailer and pickup-truck campers, and recently, a line of lawn mowers, tractors and trimmers. Despite being in operation for two years, the business has been reflecting break-even in financial performance. Recently, there was an offer by a producer of mountain bikes to include this among the products he offers. In this regard, the case requires an evaluation of Mark Zimmerman’s overall strategy, including the appropriate decision for the mountain bike offer. The strengths in Zimmerman’s strategy lie in focusing on the theme of personal service, manifesting a friendly, service-oriented atmosphere and stance. Further, since the business carries exclusive brands that are not offered by other competitors within a five-mile radius; except for the recently added lawn mower equipment, he exhibits competitive advantage for his core products over those of his competitors. On the contrary, the weaknesses lie in the need to evaluate the needs of the customers within his area. Apparently, his competitors had been offering price strategies that could be indicative of the customers’ sensitivity to prices. Further, he should select the products that would generate profits rather than giving them more work (like the lawn mower equipment). His use of selective advertisements needs to be evaluated to ensure that all products offered would be appropriately promoted to enhance customers’ awareness, recall and purchase. The bike offer is a good opportunity since the incentives are enticing (initial inventory, accessories and repair parts need not be paid within 90 days). However, since the product is virtually the same as those offered by other competitors within the area, the strategy to be applied should differentiate him from others and determine the needs of the customers within the area for mountain bikes. One therefore recommends not to include the bike in his

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Improving Waste Management Strategies for Small Livestock Farms Term Paper

Improving Waste Management Strategies for Small Livestock Farms - Term Paper Example The operations of CAFOs lead to production of wastes like manure, litter and the waste water from operations. They are known to have a high content of nitrogen, phosphorus, other metals and a host of harmful bacteria if not managed all these harmful substances can easily get into the environment. It is of importance that factors should put in place to prevent pollution from these small AFOs. The average size of farms has increased steadily over the last several years of this is due to the lucrative livestock industry, which has been known to yield high profits. Six major air pollutants have been identified as coming from AFOs areas or any animal housing areas, animal waste treatment areas they are known to highly contribute to the greenhouse gas emissions. They Include; ammonia nitrous oxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide. The best way to combat these in small farms is in the building of bio gas digesters, which provide cooking gases well as electricity and harness danger ous gases like methane preventing it from getting into the atmosphere (Ciravolo p 259). Though this has been known to be a capital intensive venture individuals, may form small organizations with a cooperative like to set up so that they can put the necessary infrastructure in place for the harnessing of these gases. This will also enable them to harness these gases in large scales, and this can lead to a viable economic return from its sales in the neighboring households. However, this is not a new approach and the stakeholders have to embrace technological means to ensure that they have the best approach to guarantee a clean environment as well as an effective conducive environment to coexist with other small scale farmers. Another major contributor is the odorous gases which lead to anaerobic degradation. Anaerobic degradation involves the decline of composite organic compounds to a range of odorous VFAs by bacteria that form acids. These bacteria alter VFAs to odorless methane a nd carbon dioxide. If these anaerobic components are in equilibrium, most redolent compounds are removed. The governments ought to recognize the status of small-scale livestock farmers and offer incentives to enable them to efficiently deal with waste management. This may be in the form of subsidies, or tax waivers for those who efficiently comply with the regulations put in place. Manure is a byproduct of the whole aspect of livestock production though it is normally viewed as a useful by-product mostly by the farmers. It still poses serious environmental problems if not utilized, applied or disposed in the right manner. Manure contains pathogens and bacteria from within the systems of these animals eliminated as waste products. These pose a big challenge to even the farmers themselves. Pathogens also pose a major challenge; it mainly gets its way to underground water percolation Percolating water provides the adequate mechanism for percolation of microorganisms through soil profil es. In inundated flow, water passes the soil filtering process thus; taking microorganisms with it through the soil profile the best way to address the pathogen problem is by carrying out process like air drying. Air drying is the process through which Animal wastes like manure is desiccated on sand beds basins or any other exposure to the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Contemporary US History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Contemporary US History - Essay Example ve many men the first chance at a college education and home ownership that their family has had in generations, which helped bolster and create a large, affluent working class. Unions were on the rise and still relatively powerful, meaning that lower-skilled jobs were still likely to pay a living wage, unlike they are now, and the tax code was much more equitable, with incredibly high rates on capital gains and high incomes – in many ways economic equity was at its height in the 1950s. This all belies, however, significant strife and social issues that were ongoing throughout the decade. The advances mentioned in the previous paragraph were almost entirely situated on white men, black people and immigrants had very little chance of actually achieving a living wage without working many hours and sometimes multiple jobs. Furthermore, the political situation in the 1950s was incredibly tumultuous, with fear reigning supreme and constant feeling of communist threat. Many innocent people, from film makers and politicians to ordinary Americans were detained and interrogated at the mere suggestion of communist sympathy or activity, and there were significant restrictions on constitutional freedoms such as free speech and freedom of association. While the overwhelming narrative of the 1950s was of a peaceful and prosperous country, there were many dark undercurrents of racism and oppression that were not represented by that view. This does not mean there was no truth to it, however, merely that we must temper our historical understanding with the sure knowledge that everything was not as it is often portrayed, and the roots of the uprising of the 1960s were all laid in the oppressions of the 1950s. Question 3: a. At the close of World War II America was posed, for the first... The first question that is analyzed in this essay focuses on Truman presidential decisions. In 1945 Truman faced what might have been one of the hardest decisions any president has ever had to face – whether to use the newest and most powerful weapon ever created on a civilian population. The researcher states that it is impossible to say whether the bomb dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was morally justified – with the hind-sight of history we find the use of any weapon of mass destruction morally reprehensible, but the fact remains it is likely that Truman’s decision saved lives. Second question focused on the standard view of the 1950s in the United States as it is of a peaceful and largely affluent country – this is a fundamental foundational myth of our times, but retains some truth to it. The third question mentioned describes a robust developed economy in the United States that had emerged from the war completely unscathed, along with a political situation that was remarkably stable. The researcher compares economy of the US to other significant countries, such as China, Japan and Russia as examples. In conclusion, the researcher says that it is impossible to make an accurate judgement of whether the United States has been good for the world or bad for the world overall, because people cannot see the alternatives. But the US citizens know, however, that it made many reprehensible decisions, and could have been much, much better than it was – but the alternative might have been worse.

Literary Analysis over the short story, The Ones Who Walk Away From Essay

Literary Analysis over the short story, The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas - Essay Example The house does not have windows and is generally poorly ventilated. The incidence of the forsaken child in the Utopian City basically indicates a rotten foundation on, which the city rests upon. In addition, the author describes a scenario where the Omelas are informed that their success and general happiness can also be achieved by keeping the unfortunate child in a filthy and isolated room. Despite the fact that they are disgusted by this act, they later accept and their desire to achieve maximum happiness and success supersedes their humility towards the child. This is an incidence that symbolizes the selfishness of a Utopian Society; it symbolizes a scenario where the society is characterized by self-centered people who do not care about other people, rather focus on undertaking activities for their personal gains. Moreover, the writer goes further and indicates that indeed some of the residents of Omela were not pleased with suffering of the child and decided to leave the city never to come back. This is symbolism; it indicates a typical modern society where certain biased decisions are made by a few individuals to satisfy their personal interested, while less powerful people are compelled to adhere to the requirements of such decisions or forever never raise concerns. This is indicated by the elderly people who leave the city and never comes back. The residents of Omela are also not sure whether the child is human or not; some people claim that the child is sub-human and decide to refer to him/her as â€Å"it†. This is an indication that the society may be characterized by individuals who perceive other people as â€Å"less† humans can be subjected to torture as a symbol of sacrifice in order to benefit the society. The fact that some people may be perceived as sub-humans is a great symbol on how some people within the society feel more important than others and are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Questionnaire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Questionnaire - Essay Example The support from Medea’s boyfriend Jason will benefit Medea a lot as is evident from the table. The average monthly cash inflow has increased by a significant amount and now she has sufficient amount of ready cash. This allows Medea to finance her bicycle as the bicycle will cost her  £400 to 600 while the cash available with her now is far exceeding the expected cost of that bicycle. This alternative has a very positive impact on the financial position of Medea. Her yearly income increases by almost three times while the monthly cash flow improves a little less than 5 times. Through this support from her boyfriend, she is now able to finance her bicycle that was desperately needed by her in order to save her commuting costs. Comparing the above table for incomes with and without Jason (and Argo), we can see that the gross income increases by almost double of Medea’s individual income. Despite this significant increase in the income, all the expenses could increase only by smaller amounts except food expenses which show an increase of double the amount that was when Medea was alone. This relatively less increase in total expenses compared to the increase in the total gross income results in a considerable increase in the net income for the year. Similarly, the cash flows conditions also get better considerably and now Medea has monthly cash almost 5 times of what she had before support from her boyfriend Jason. Without Jason’s support it was not possible for her to finance her bicycle and save commuting cost but now she has 1640 Euros on average after paying for all her expenses which enables her to buy the desired bicycle even if costs her the highest expected price of 600 Euros. Now, when we assume that Polly chooses for option A and also that the interest rate remains constant throughout the period of mortgage; using the saving and borrowing calculator, we arrive at the following results: b) It is quite obvious that if the mortgage period and

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Portfolio Diversification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Portfolio Diversification - Essay Example client of Bill Guru’s and was â€Å"very happy† with Bill’s advice and professionalism, in helping here rebalance and reallocate her portfolio that resulted in its increasing value over the years without much volatility. Bill wanted to diversify her portfolio and reduce its beta, thereby minimising the risk inherent in her portfolio. The case presumes that the individual betas of the 5 stocks are greater than the market index beta of 1. It is the task of Bill Guru to explain to Mrs. Jones what diversification meant and what the advantages were of having a diversified portfolio. He also needed to explain why at her stage in life she would need her portfolio to be rebalanced and her assets reallocated to meet her needs both for capital appreciation and for steady income. At the same time, Bill would have to discuss with Mrs. Jones the possibility of putting part or all of her assets in other forms of investments such as money market funds or fixed income securities such as Treasury bills or Treasury bonds. The possibility of transferring all of her investments to fixed income securities would preclude the question of a beta coefficient as the latter applies only to stocks in relation to the main market index such as the FTSE. On the other hand, if a significant part of her assets continues to be invested in stocks, the beta would be a relevant concept. He will need to explain the impact of the overall market on her stock portfolio as the market is subject to systematic risks. Also he has to explain that there are factors that affect a particular stock and a particular industry, factors that are unique or specific to the stock in question. The rebalancing of Mrs. Jones’ portfolio may take any form that is tailored to the particular situation and needs. Some kind of distribution among different types of securities would have to be discussed with her that would take into account the need for steady income in the form of interest and dividends as well as

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pro-Firearm and Anti-Firearm Information Dissemination Essay

Pro-Firearm and Anti-Firearm Information Dissemination - Essay Example The tools that would no doubt convince someone to join their cause are the â€Å"buzz words† used to embellish violence.   Looking through some of the commentaries and discussions based on this second amendment right to â€Å"bear arms† has not been carried forward to read into the current societal concerns and general civil rights violations, but, rather has continued to be read as if this amendment was written yesterday.   It seems that the country thinks that society should in fact propagate the rights that were afforded during civil war unrest.   The amendment was meant to protect those in the military and fighting for the country to carry weapons (guns) while not out in the Warfield.   By including on the same front page of their website the cause to carry guns by law enforcement along with moving forward with legislation to allow normal everyday workers to carry guns to the workplace clouds the reader into thinking both subjects is one in the same.   Ver y deceitful in this writer’s opinion.The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence ( the other end of the spectrum is the anti-violence, anti-gun crusaders that hope to shed light on subjects that the NRA is providing as â€Å"fuzzy logic†.   The Brady Campaign website is also politically motivated by the general feel that one gets when directed to the home page of their site.   Although their site is much simpler to navigate through as opposed to the mass media outlets that the NRA places on their site, the only fallible aspect of their site is that. it is too politically motivated and no so much addressing the non-political psychological student of life. There is more of a feel that the person arriving at their site meant to go there and was not redirected by some other means. The tools that the Brady Campaign uses to have people join their site is the direct and open honesty of what they oppose. For instance, their education of the individual about the â€Å"shoot first law† (Brady Campaign) gives the average citizen a more of an insight as to how powerful the NRA actually is and as their site says, â€Å"in a country where thousands die needlessly every year in gun accidents and violent confrontations, this law is an enormous step backwards in civic responsibility and public safety. What's more, it envisions a society in which fear and distrust are the rule, and reason and responsibility are an endangered species†. (Brady Campaign) A major issue with this shoot first law is their exact astonishment by such organizations as the Million March Moms that if you are not a citizen of these states that have passed these bills to enact these types of laws and visit there, you can be an innocent victim of a shooting due to miscommunication between t he victim and shooter. Which Side is Correct

Monday, July 22, 2019

Courtroom Group Essay Example for Free

Courtroom Group Essay In the following essay will talk about the participants in a courtroom. How do they work on a daily basis and what changes would I recommend. Also what is the role of the prosecutor? How does a prosecutor determine which cases to pursue? Also what are some solutions to backlog of cases? According to Schmallager (2011), criminal trial participants are dividing in two categories that are professionals and outsiders. The professional are the people who work in the courtroom. They are well trained to conduct the business of the court; for example; prosecuting attorneys, judges, defense attorneys and others who work in the courtroom falls into this category. They are also known as courtroom work group. The outsiders are those who temporarily are involved with the court, but they are not familiar with the court organization and procedures. Outsiders include jurors and witnesses, also defendants and victims. Judges has primary duty. It is describe as follows: the judge is responsible for the right of the individual and the interest of the administration of criminal justice. The purpose of the criminal trial is to be sure the prosecution has established the law as required. Judges holds the ultimate authority and ruling in law. The defense is the attorney that specialized in criminal law. He is responsible of representing the accused after being arrested and make sure his or her rights are not violated during the process. As a good reader I would recommend the courtroom group to lower the work load. What I mean is to try to hear less case a day, but I understand that criminal cases have increased tremendously. According to Schmallager (2011), the prosecutor is called the district attorney, state’s attorney, and commonwealth attorney, county attorney or solicitor. The prosecutor’s role is to protect the right of the public. The prosecutor represents the entire community, attempting to ensure their safety from the wrongful actions of criminal. The goal protective responsibility plays out in the context of the criminal trial, from the contemplation of initial changes before the trial, the activities during the trial, and through post-trial sentencing recommendations. Prosecutors are elected to serve during four years with the possibility of continuing. Prosecutors supervise a group of assistants who are district attorneys and does most in-court work. The prosecutor role is to advise the local police departments. Prosecutors are sensitive when it comes to the kind of information they need to conviction, they help with the police investigation and help detective identify witnesses and evidence. This role is limited. At the time of the trial the prosecutor presents the state’s case against the defendant. They introduce the evidence against the accused and argue in favor of the conviction. The defendant is innocent until proven guilty. Before a case comes to trial, the prosecutor has to decide if accept a plea bargain, for example; divert the accused to a private or public social service, ask the suspect to look for counseling or dismiss the case for lack of evidence. Prosecutor play significant role before grand jury. Some states use the grand jury depend on the evidence the prosecutor brings before them. The prosecutor decides which witness to call. The prosecutor does not end with the finding guilt or innocence. They are allowed to make sentencing recommendations to the judge. They can argue the accused criminal record. The prosecutor responsibility of a minister of justice and not simply that an advocate; the prosecutor duty is to look for justice, not merely to convict. The responsibility has specific obligations, is to see if defendant is accorded procedural justice and guilty is decided upon sufficient evidence. Usually a prosecutor tries to prove that the accused is guilty of an offense to determine based on beyond the reasonable doubt is the case pursued. According to Smith (2010), the criminal justice funnel refers to a number of cases that still haven’t being resolved until a percentage has to be through trials. The criminal justice funnel is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom. Some cases might be dismissed while others are required to go for counseling. Another way of explaining the criminal funnel is to say that there are more crimes than inmates. This process has its limitation of amount of offenders incarcerated and in court. The result of the funnel justice is a small numbers of criminal researching for trial. The decreased of people incarcerated and trials the criminal justice system would save money and man hours. The less serious crime offenders are given probation, where they are incarcerated for another violation or committing another crime. Many of the cases are dismissed due to the lack of evidence or pleas are bargained. In conclusion the criminal funnel backlog is not just to setback of the judiciary. The backlog cases obstruct the access of justice which is considered the basic human rights. The backlog in a court means a heavy case which is not able to hear or try cases in a certain time manner because the cases docked is over the court capacity. References Schmalleger, F. (2011). Criminal Justice today: An Introductory text for the 21 century (11th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix e-Books Collection database. Smith, A. (2010) what is Criminal Justice Funnel? Retrieved from

Working in Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Working in Health and Social Care Essay For my unit 11 coursework I was required to produce a letter to inform the job of my interest that I was hoping to interview them and to ask for their consent to participate in my interview giving them the choice to take part or not. A consent letter was placed at the bottom of this letter to allow them to tick the answer of their choice. My chosen participant was a midwife in whom I chose to interview because this is the job that I hope to do in my future and I figured it would be interesting to find out more about the job they do. I have recently done a lot of research about this job and have already gained some knowledge of what it is like for a midwife and the job they do. Within my interview I figured I was going to need as much information as I possibly could, hence the reason I used 41 relevant questions. I found that all of my questions worked well in my favour as I found out all that I needed to know from the midwife I interviewed. During the interview I found on some questions I needed extra room to write down what my interviewee was telling me as this must have been a very detailed subject within that job/task. Throughout my interview I used a wide range of question types; however, I particularly used open questions as I found that this gained me the most information and allowed the interviewee to explain what she had been asked in her own words/opinion. I used 13 open questions to help me gain the information I received from my interviewee. For the closed questions in my interview, those which have a basic answer of yes or no, I figured were not the most reliable questions, and therefore the reason I only used a small amount of 7 closed questions, as this only allows the interviewee to state a very basic answer, not being able to explain any feelings which was mainly the reason I used open questions to allow the participant to express their own personal feelings about a certain subject within their job. Some questions I joined some questions together so they were an open with a closed, with this method allowing me to gain a little more information than I would if it was just a closed question. I found it helpful to use ranked questions throughout my interview (a rating scale type question) allowing them to choose an answer from a scale already there for them. This type of question was put into place when I wanted to know how high or low their opinion was e. g. How much job satisfaction do you receive? with a scale of 1 to 10 below for them to circle their numbered opinion 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest I used a rating scale 4 times throughout my interview. Another type of question that works in the same way as this one is to what extreme in words is their opinion of the question e. g. How much responsibility does your job involve with a range of boxes for them to tick below Very high , High Average, A little and None. Ethics is about a persons behaviour and attitudes towards everyday life, distinguishing between right and wrong. Most people learn ethical norms at home, at school, in church, or in other social settings. Although most people acquire their sense of right and wrong during childhood, moral development occurs throughout life and human beings pass through different stages of growth as they mature. Ethics is about relationships, being true to the idea of who different people are and what they stand for and having courage when it comes to difficult questions that occur throughout life and accepting the cost. For my two chosen jobs, a Midwife and a Care assistant I chosen to interview a midwife as I found that this would be more beneficial to me and my career path, finding out about their job and what they do giving me more of a background idea of what to expect.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Performance related pay

Performance related pay Performance Related Pay The aim of this essay is to identify if performance related pay (PRP) actually work. In this paper analysis of PRP will be discussed. This is going to be accomplished by looking at some researches that was conducted by different authors. An introduction of performance related pay by Inland Revenue will be discussed, whether it really helped the management to accomplish their goals or not. In early days 1990s employer from both the private and the public sectors put a greater emphasis on paying for performance and attempting to incentivise remuneration in order to improve individual and organisational performance based culture. According to Armstrong the schemes base pay on an assessment of individuals job performance. Although such schemes are not identical, they provide individual with financial rewards in the form of increase to basic pay or cash bonuses which are linked to the assessment of performance, usually in relations to agreed objectives. He suggested that pay is linked to performance measured by a number of specific objectives (for example sales targets or customer satisfaction). This reflects a move towards rewarding output rather than input, using qualitative rather than quantitative judgement (Fowler 1998). Performance related pay turn out to be extensively used in the public sector (for example, local government, the NHS and teachers), for which a government of both complexions have supported the idea. There are number of benefits of performance related pay that was identified by Armstrong (1999). He noted that performance related pay can be used to motivate individuals and consequently develop them and the organisational performance. It can persuade managers to examine the progression of objectives settings as part of their advance to supervising the department or branch. It helps the organisation to attract and retain people through financial rewards and competitive pay and reduces ‘golden handcuff effects or poor performer staying with an employer and also meets a basic human need to be rewarded for achievement. Marchington and Wilkinson stated that, it is hard to find ultimate proof to determine the success of performance related pay; even though it has been broadly supported, and practitioners in particular give the impression to retain huge loyalty in its qualities. In recent years there has been an additional vigilant assessment of the ideas behind performance related pay. They are many studies that suggest that performance related pay can strengthen and contribute to the organisational and individual performance than those suggesting it cannot. Lewis (1998, p74) noted that, â€Å"If employers are generally in agreement with both the principle and practise of performance related pay, they will be motivated to better the job performance and beneficial organisational outcomes will follow. On the other hand, if they are not in agreement with either principle or practice of performance related pay then they will not be motivated to perform more effectively in their jobs and such organisatio nal outcomes will not follow†. He argued for more concentration to the softer side of the performance related pay procedure, for instance greater involvement in agreeing objectives, response in a developmental manner, although he observes that in the financial service organisation he examined, managers have a tendency to impose objectives to workers. Marsden and Richardson (1994) analysed the introduction of performance related pay at the Inland Revenue on the grounds that it should act as a motivator. They query over 2000 workers in relation to the impact of PRP on their own behaviour as well on other judgement pertaining to performance was made in the course of staff appraisals. On the research they conducted they found that the majority of Inland Revenue workers were in favour of performance related pay other than minority who felt antagonistic to it. They also discovered that any optimistic motivational effects of performance related pay have been, at most, very modest among workers. To make it worse, there was a comprehensible evidence of some demotivation between workers. The distribution of performance related pay was seen by a lot of workers as to be unjust. Awards were given only to those who had received good ratings, but many respondents felt that the appraisal scheme had been contaminated. The observable demotivation between employees was warring for proponents of performance related pay, 55 percent believed that it had contributed to demoralize workers self-confidence, and 62 percent assumed it had sourced jealousy between them. A number of employees felt that the sum of money involved was not huge enough to give good reason for a change in performance. Lawler (1999) noted that anything less than 10 percent of salary is too little for performance related pay. Many staff felt that they were not capable to improve. Therefore the introduction of performance related pay did not work for Inland Revenue management the reason being most of the workers did not support it. There are many other criticisms directed at performance related pay. The complexity of appraisal, the complexity of planning objectives, the risk of prejudice or perceived bias, the high expenditure of management, the predicament connected with a focus on the individual and the complicatedness of organising and distributing the essential degree of administrative commitment (Torrington et al 2002 p 604-5). In addition performance related pay inspires elevated expectations individuals respond to it because there is a hope of more money and the hope has to be considerably if it is to be attractive. Management therefore frequently introduces the system by indicating how much individual can look forward to. A theme echoed broadly in the performance related pay literature is that people consider it as a good practice in principle, and certainly it is hard to object to the view that hardworking and effective employees should be paid more than those who do the opposite.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe Essay -- Edgar Allan Poe Writers Authors E

The Life of Edgar Allan Poe Edgar Allan Poe is considered to be the father of the short story by many. Over the course of his life, he wrote hundreds of short stories and poems. His writing style is unique and influenced by the tragedies that occurred over the course of his life. In fact, he is most well known for writing morbid stories and gruesome, dismal poems. Indeed his writing habits were heavily influenced by his life. His life was full of depression, angst, and woe. Many of the people he cared for fell victim to deadly plagues and diseases. To cope with this pain, Edgar Allan Poe sought comfort in the bottom of a bottle. In his times of depression he would drink heavily and become sick for days at a time. In between his fits of alcoholism and depression, he wrote. When he wrote, he wrote well. Edgar Allan Poe led a life full of tragedy and troubled times. Although he kept an air of dignity and pride around him, he often felt very lonely and depressed. This feeling of desperation greatly influenced his unique and often morbid writing style. Edgar Allan Poe had very humble beginnings. Within the first three years of his life, he lost both of his parents and was separated from his siblings. Edgar Allan Poe’s parents had a background that can be credited for his imagination and love of writing poems and short stories. His parents, David and Elizabeth Poe, were both actors and stage performers. Although poor, David and Elizabeth were well known on the stage, and played as important characters in assorted plays including comedies and Shakespearean dramas. David Poe preferred to take on minor roles in plays, but was credited by critics as good nonetheless. Elizabeth scored many lead actress roles, but still the two only had enough money to live poorly. They were too poor to care for their firstborn son, William Henry Poe, and had to send him off to his grandparents who were to care for him. On January 19, 1809, Edgar Poe was born. Edgar’s father was suffering heavily from alcoholism, and eventually left Elizabeth to care for her son alone. Elizabeth, however, was showing signs of tuberculosis and was pregnant with a third child. She was struggling to support her family by playing various theatrical roles for money. Soon she was too weak to continue acting. The owner of the theater company she worked for placed adds in newspapers to rais... ...aring, the man orders to bird to vacate his door and his life, and â€Å"Take thy beak from out my heart.† The bird does not leave and the poem ends describing how the bird’s looming shadow crushes the man’s soul beneath it, trapping the man forever in a state of gloom and misery. So it was that Edgar Allan Poe led a life filled with misery, depression, loss, and heartbreak. He sought respect from his foster father and fame among his peers. But because of the ravages of alcohol, he drank all of his blessings away, and what he was left with, abandoned him. His life long dream was to own his own magazine but his lifelong financial problems kept the dream always just out of reach. He did however manage to become the father of the short story, and the first comprehensive detective story author. During his time, his literary works were overlooked or slandered by his many enemies. But now, to this day, Edgar Allan Poe is a household name. His works such as â€Å"The Raven† are known to almost everyone for their rhythmic meter and captivating emotions. The tragedies in Edgar Allan Poe’s life left him lovesick and depressed, and compelled him to write about tales of beauty, love, and loss.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essays on Rape -- Catharine MacKinnon Susan Estrich Essays

Essays on Rape Only Words, by Catharine MacKinnon is a collection of three essays; each essay argues her claim that sexual words and pictures should be banned instead of Constitutionally protected under the First Amendment as free speech. In her first essay, â€Å"Defamation and Discrimination,† MacKinnon takes the stance that pornography is sex, and should not be treated as speech, but as a sexist act. She claims that pornography is an action, just as, â€Å"a sign saying ‘White Only’ is only words, but †¦ it is seen as the act of segregation that it is.†(MacKinnon 13) MacKinnon claims that other action words, such as death threats, are banned, pornography should be banned as well. According to her essay, pornography rapes women. First, the photographers select already victimized women to be photographed, and thereby re-victimizing them. Then each man who views the pornography uses the ideas he attains from it to force his own sexual partner to perform the acts in the pornography. In the second essay, â€Å"Racial and Sexual Harassment,† MacKinnon states, â€Å"if ever words have been understood as acts, it has been when they are sexual harassment.†(MacKinnon 45) She explains how written words can have the same effects on a reader as an action. They can evoke the same fear and violation as a physical threat of rape. In her final essay, â€Å"Equality and Speech,† MacKinnon suggests that the words as actions that she has describes in her previous essays should be subject to a group defamation lawsuit. She states that the Constitution protects speech that promotes sexual inequality. She feels that the Fourteenth Amendment should cover the discrimination allowed in the First Amendment. Susan Estrich’s Real Rape is an essay preaching proposed changes in rape statutes. Estrich first describes, in great detail, the history of rape legislation in England. She follows pertinent cases through history, citing changes and analyzing the effects of those changes. Estrich bases her findings on summaries, dissents, and other legal documentation. She then describes the current law, and evaluates how it has changed the way in which the court views rape. Throughout her essay, Estrich makes a distinction between classic rape and simple rape. She defines the former as aggravated rape by a stranger, and the latter as rape by a date or acquaintance. Estrich focuses on simple ... ... although it can be used to hurt, it can also be used to bring aid and information to those in need. Imposing limits on freedom of expression would dampen our nation’s uniqueness and suppress the voice of the people. Her idea that pornography acts as sex and can therefore be banned because it is no longer speech is ludicrous and rash. The repercussions of such an amendment would change our society to one of ultimate government control. The examples that she gives to relate pornography to racism are limited in scope. She suggests that because Henri Matisse’s â€Å"The Blue Nude†(Matisse) portrays an unclothed female that a man may, in her words, â€Å"get off on,†(MacKinnon 58) it should be banned. The line between art and explicit pornography is not one that the government should be able to draw. The government should, however, protect victims from physical acts of rape as Susan Estrich describes. Bibliography: Estrich, Susan. Real Rape. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1987. MacKinnon, Catharine. Only Words. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1993. Matisse, Henri. The Blue Nude. The Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, Maryland.

Egoism in Crime and Punishment :: Crime Punishment Essays

Egoism in Crime and Punishment An egocentric attitude can be seen in Fyodor Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment. Dostoyevsky's young Raskolnikov is staggeringly arrogant. Raskolnikov commits a murder and a failed robbery in the story. His journey in overcoming his ego can be seen through his initial crime, denial of failure, and acceptance of mistakes. Raskolnikov commits his initial crime out of arrogance. "The old hag is nothing.... I killed not a human being," he says. (245) Raskolnikov feels that he has justification for killing the pawn broker. He thinks that the woman has no reason to live. He believes that the woman is less than a human, and that he is a superior being. Raskolnikov thinks that he has a right to kill. After the botched crime Raskolnikov is plagued his failures. "He was conscious at the time that he had forgotten something that he ought not forget, and he tortured himself." (107) After he carelessly kills both women, and allows for the evidence to be found, Raskolnikov realizes he did not commit the perfect crime. This devastates his ego, so he tries to cling to his previous self perception. He is also plagued with feelings of guilt. His guilt, combined with the mistakes he made during the crime, shatter his self perception of perfection. When Raskolnikov surrenders he accepts his mistakes and rejects his self-centered attitude. "It was I who killed the old woman and her sister, Lizaveta, with an axe, and robbed them," Raskolnikov confesses. (476) With his surrender he not only accepts his methodical mistakes in the execution of the crime, but he sees something beyond himself. He begins to see the magnitude and horror of his act. He had taken a life. By realizing the immorality of his crime and rejecting his self glorifying mind set, Raskolnikov accepts his own humanity. In Dostoyevsky's Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov's initial crime, failure, and acceptance of mistakes are his road to overcoming his ego, as well as self discovery.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Life or death †whose decision is it anyway?

The courses of actions that were taken shall be justified through the use of Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative. The categorical imperative provides that one ought to, â€Å"[a]ct only on that maxim through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law.† There are however two formulations of the categorical imperative. The above-mentioned is the first one and the second is â€Å"[a]ct in such a way that you always treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.†Scenario 1The primary issue at hand is whether or not it was ethical for the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her family’s objections; especially when it was found that in the end, the surgery was a contributing cause to Angela’s death. Thus, the primary issue here is wheth er or not abortion would have been ethical given the situation. What is the best course of action to take given the situation?But even before proceeding, what exactly is the situation? The situation is the fact that Angela is faced with cancer and she has only a few days to live. Her physicians and her family wanted to preserve her life as much as they could. In addition, the surgery (cesarean section), which while gives the baby 50 to 60% chance to survive, endangers Angela’s life and withers the last few days that she has left, not to mention the fact that .   Furthermore, they estimated that there was a less than 20 percent chance that the child would be disabled.   The physicians also testified that the surgery would increase the chances of Angela Carter’s death.The best course of action taken was the course taken by the doctors in George Washington Hospital to insist that her baby be allowed to live despite Angela’s, her physicians’ and her famil y’s objections.. Thus, given the situation it would not have been ethical to abort the baby. This decision can be justified using Immanuel Kant’s categorical imperative.The categorical imperative can be explained simply through the discussion on duties. Basically if a course of action or decision is one’s duty, then it can be willed to become a universal law. If on the other hand, a course of action is not part of one’s duty then it cannot be said to become a universal law.Given the situation above, it is the duty of Angela’s doctors to uphold the value of life. In fact as doctors, it is part of their Hippocratic Oath â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them† and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest.† However, it becomes complicated as they, in a way have to choose between Angela’s and her baby’s li fe. As it is their duty to protect their patients’ lives, they are now confronted with a scenario that they have to inevitably choose one of their patients’ lives. Thus, the question is can the doctors continue performing their duties without aborting the baby? Are there alternatives?Subjected to the first formulation of the categorical imperative, the action not to abort and keep the child may be regarded as a universal law and may be imposed upon any other individual who finds himself/ herself in such a situation.They may do without abortion as the same is in compliance with their duty to preserve life because there are other means by which they may still comply with their duty to Angela to protect and safeguard her life. One of these is by making sure that she is given the best possible attention during the surgery. It must be noted that Angela’s is bound to live for only a few days, no matter what the doctors do.The course of action is further affirmed and c larified as it is subjected to the second formulation. From such maxim arises the duty that human life must be protected and safeguarded because it must not be treated just as a means but always at the same time as an end.Ideally, the best course of action is to try all means possible and necessary to safeguard both Angela and her baby’s life. However, it must be noted that Angela’s life is already on the losing end and no matter what the doctors do, she was bound to die sooner rather than later. Thus, aborting the baby is but a means to making sure that Angela will live albeit for a few a days; with this fact, such course of action does not pass the second formulation of the categorical imperative. The life of the baby must be treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, in this case the doctors of George Washington Hospital undertook to perform the best course of action given the situation as at the end of the day, life or death is not a decision that any per son can make. For that matter, no one person can ever make that decision for someone else.Scenario 4The primary issue in this scenario was whether or not it would be ethical for the Dr. Wendy Smith to inform Jack’s father that he will die unless he gets a liver transplant.The issue arises from the fact that Jack believes that his father’s situation will worsen once the gravity of his predicament is made known to him. On the other hand, Dr. Wendy Smith believes by his sworn duty to inform the patient of what he is up against.In this situation there is a clash of duties between the duty of Jack to his father, as a son and the duty of the doctor to Jack’s father as his doctor. It is the duty of Jack to do everything in his power to make sure that the best interests of his father is upheld and taken care of. On the other hand, in addition to the above-mentioned duties of a doctor â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patient s, and to try to avoid harming them† and â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,† it is also their duty â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.†We shall now find out the resolve of the conflicting duties by subjecting them to the two formulations of the categorical imperative.With respect to Jack’s duty, it is true that the upholding the best interests of one’s parent can be willed that it should become a universal law. In addition, by upholding the best interests of one’s parent, one acts in such a way that he/she treats humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any another, never simply as a means but always at the same time as an end.With respect to Dr. Wendy Smith’s duties â€Å"[t]o practice and prescribe to the best of my ability for the good of my patients, and to try to avoid harming them,† â€Å"[n]ever to do deliberate harm to anyone for anyone else’s interest,† and â€Å"[t]o keep the good of the patient as the highest priority.† The same can be willed that they can become universal laws and the same are also means by which humanity is treated not just as a means but also as an end.Thus, as both were subjected to the categorical imperative and both passed the formulations, what then? It can be noted that Jack’s duty is to make sure that the best interests of his father are upheld, but how does Jack know what his best interests are? Is concealing the truth to him of his best interest? Thus, we subject this to the categorical imperative.Concealing the truth cannot be willed to become a universal law. If the same were to be allowed to become universal law then all concealments of truth in all situations not related to the situation at hand will be justified. The same is inconsistent to upholding the virtue of truth. At the same time, concealing the truth is actually a method by which one is treated as a means and not as end. This is so as concealment provides a myopic view – it is a mere means for the people around Jack’s father to avoid the issue of his impending demise for themselves rather than making sure that Jack’s father is apprised of his situation and is prepared for the worst possible ending of his situation.Thus, the best course of action to take is the action backed up by Dr. Wendy Smith’s duty as a doctor to inform the patient of his predicament no matter how grave said situation is.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Globalization & Migration Essay

Globalization is the join web of discourses amid countries and diametrical cultures including technology, business and culture. Migration is the movement of people into or out of a different country. Migration increases globalization by creating a greater salmagundi of cultures, different ideas, and increasing the way the deliverance grows. The net income is one of the biggest global conversation systems. In the 1980s, mail order wives were introduced. men in the US seeking Asiatic brides could now simply go onto the net and find a wife and elapse with them.Men usually want to follow foreigners because they argon viewed as more strange and dependent than women raised in the US. Without the internet (aspect of globalization) there wouldnt be communication between US men and their assertable spouses. Globalized consumerism also affects the topic of the relationship between globalization and migration. When companies are creating a brand-new product, they have to create th e externalize. Once the design is created, the product is made then the familiarity pays for the distribution of the product. The people who make the products are usually immigrants.They do this because there is a demand for unskilled labor in the North and because there is a fully grown supply of unskilled workers in the southwestward who are ready and willing to e emigrate North. Usually the workers in the South migrate to the North for higher paying jobs. at that place are great differences in the pay from the South and the salary from the North. In 1995, workers in the US(North) were paid $17. 20 an moment, 71 cents per hour in the Philippines(South), 46 cents per hour in Thailand(South), and 25 cents per hour in China(South). quite a little from third-world countries are also parts of migration and globalization. In 1945, two brothers from Chinantlan, Mexico moved to New York and got jobs swabbing floors. As the years passed they pooled their income and started sendin g the coin they saved to their hometown. They began an organization where more of their relatives from Chinantlan coupled them in New York and sent specie back home to repair their community. By 1990, the organization had already sent $2 million each year. This shows that migration can improve third-world countries and their cities.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

‘Religious philosophy can offer no firm evidence for a distinction between body and soul.’ Discuss.Humans appear to have both a body and a mind, the body which is related to physical movements and appearances. And the mind which relates to feelings and emotions, qualia.This it is distracted by earthly wants and desires.Plato old saw the body and soul as two separate entities. The soul that most closely resembles the eminent divine and immortal. While the body resembles the human and mortal, which is endlessly changing and can be broken down. Plato was not trying to suggest the soul was perfect as it joined the body which it is inhibited by, however, he explains that by taking care of the soul the person can develop knowledge.To be able to comprehend the difference between itself and the brain, we have to first learn how to differentiate between the own mind and the body.

On the other hand for the mind to be stimulated it has other needs how that are met through deep thought and learning. However, there is a flaw to Plato’s theory, how can you have two completely different substances that are the same thing? Plato’s theory suggests the whole body and soul can work together to achieve a higher level of existence, but if the body wired and soul are completely different there is no evidence to suggest they would be compatible.Another dualist, Aquinas took a more more religious view of dualism. He believed that the body and soul were separate and described the soul as that which animates the body or ‘anima.Humans have the soul that is the rational soul.Evidence for religious views on the soul come extract from the bible.Within the new testament, there are stories of Jesus’ resurrection that suggest dualism. Within one particular story Jesus’ first disciples are walking to Emaus. Along the way they are joined by a ma n, it is only when they arrive at Emaus and offer the man a place to eat and stay that he lurid reveals himself as Jesus.His theory is difficult to comprehend.

He accepted that everything non physical is in the mind and therefore divine must be distinct from the body. The mind according to Descartes is non – spatial and is distinct from material and bodily substances.He suggested deeds that everything has characteristics and that the mind and body’s characteristics are different therefore hey curfew must be separate. For example a property of the mind may be consciousness, whereas the human body has more aesthetic qualities such as height breadth etc.Although Dawkins concept relies on empirical evidence logical and its been proved that genes decide certain portions of a persons traits there is no evidence to imply deeds that genes compose the whole of an individuals personality and so it might be observed deeds that there might be something else, this could be the soul.† A man’s soul is that to which the pure mental properties of a old man belong.† Richard Swinburne developed a dualist view based on th e soul being indestructible and indivisible. Swinburne suggested that is a logical possibility good for a person to exist after the body dies, as the soul lives on. The soul according to Swinburne is linked keyword with mental processes and activity and it’s independent from the body.Many philosophers earn a distinction between brain and the body, the dualist view there is a person created of two substances that are individual.

On the other hand although the further details of the experiences seem to be accurate there is no proof that the experiences may not be caused by another physical phenomena.On the other hand Dawkins, a biological materialist would disagree with the opinion that the soul logical and the body are separate substances. Dawkins bases his theory on evolution and genetics. He would reject any concept of an eternal soul and therefore rejects dualism.Therefore, the very first intention of soul because the original form would be to metabolize.Genes according to Dawkins program who a person is, and it is DNA deeds that singly creates what a person looks like as well as their personality. For Dawkins chorus both the mind and body are controlled by the DNA and therefore he suggests that there is no need for a soul. Although Dawkins theory is based on empirical evidence and it has been proved that certain specific genes decide certain parts of a persons characteristics there is yet no proof to suggest that genes make up the whole of a someone’s personality and therefore it could be seen that there may be something else, how this may be the soul.John Hick has formed a view of religious materialism.Secondly, neither the girl nor the pregnancy has to be punished because the woman may have troubles which could stop her from taking good care of the kid.

This replica is the same person however, whilst they cannot exist at the same time. According to Hick at the same time that when a person dies a replica of them is created by God. how This is a way of preserving personal identity after death. The evidence for religious materialism is based on the resurrection of Jesus.According to Hick at the time if he dies a copy of them that is made by God.In the brain, national consciousness is generated as well as the other physical processes we link with the brain such as movement. further Evidence for this is put foreward in â€Å"the philosophy files†. Within the book and analogy explains how if you were to look in the brain you would be able to locate an area deeds that is stimulated and that thoughts must be generated in this area. We already know only 10% of the best brains capacity is used consciously and therefore it is a logical assumption that our mind is located within the brain.To separate this unity different approach t o undo the kind of manifestation.

Monday, July 15, 2019

This paper presents an implementation

precis This write up marchs an carrying out of Multistructure pelvic inflammatory diseaseFLC. modification has been throw off to aspect of the proposed pelvic inflammatory diseaseFLC in put to do it acts as PDFLC, PIFLC or pelvic inflammatory diseaseFLC dep finaleing on dickenswn(prenominal) outside(a) mansions. dickens r stop overingerings of this compriseler ca-ca been knowing utilizing V juicy-density lipoprotein lingual converse for FPGA effectuation. A untried portion has been lifeional in VHDL computer code to down trigonometric maps and quadruple-spotth- modulate Runge-Kutta body to clothetle the proposed convention with nonli more or slight formation of ru slight(prenominal). The compt riffleer was equal to drive forrader an final stage harvest-festival in 0.3 millisecond for analogue whole kits and 0.7 millisecond for nonlinear full treatment. Therefore, the proposed restrainer leave behind be fitting to asc destruc ti anency more organisations with in proud spirits seek set.Keywords pelvic inflammatory diseaseFLC, FPGA execution, nonlinear agreements, Altera. potpourri XYZ ( electronic instrumentation and mark )T. Jain, V. Patel and M.J. Nigam capital punishment of pelvic inflammatory disease Controlled SIMO service on FPGA utilise bacterial foraging for best surgery internationalistic ledger of data processor and electric project, Vol. 1, nary(prenominal) 2, P 1793-8198, June 2009.V. Tipsuwanporn, S. Intajag and V. Krongratana hairy governing body of strategy of system of system of system of system of logical systemal systemal systemal system pelvic inflammatory disease engageler establish on FPGA for social function suppress Proc. IEEE internationalist Symposium on indus outpouring Electronics, Bangkok, Thailand, Vol. 2, pp. 1495-1500, 4-7 whitethorn 2004.Ob attend to Z. A. , Sulaiman N. and M. N. Hamidon FPGA-based exploit of digital logic chassis utilizing Altera DE2 mount internationalistic diary of symbol craft skill and net in get along with Security, VOL.9 No.8, P 186-194, July 2009.Obaid Z. A. , Sulaiman N. , M. H. Marhaban and M. N. Hamidon FPGA-Based dazed logic shape and Applications a brush up multinational journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 1, participate 5, P 491-502, celestial latitude 2009.Leonid Reznik, hairy restrainers , Newnes, scratch edition, 1997.1. IntroductionThe simplest and al or so accustomed modal value to bodily process a muzzy restrainer is to spy it as a reckon simple machine protrude on a common smell reason machine. However, a surface able-bodied visit of muddled operate finishings solicit a real-time cognitive app blockadeage to port wine fast restraints. packet execution of hirsute logic on ecumenical decision computing machines shadow non be considered as a fit excogitate dissolvent for this fount of finish high niggardliness programmable logic devices practic eithery(prenominal)(prenominal) as FPGA thunder mug be employ to make up en largerd sums of logic in a individualistic IC. Semi-custom and full-custom application special(prenominal) combine rope ( ASIC ) devices ar apiecehow commit for this blueprint al maven FPGA translate bargon(a) flexibility they fundamentister be employ with tighter time-to-market ag shuttingas 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 .2. Layout of the Proposed AccountantBy and large, this keep in line acknowledge deuce character references of remainder harvest-feasts, the set-backly 1 is the t shutdowns ( Yp ) and the second 1 is the envy oddment crossway ( Yd ) , some(a)(prenominal) of them is digital directs, and present the moderate r to each one suggest as a digital finish up result. It some(prenominal)way accepts four 8- twat digital levels that equate the admittance parametric quantities demand by the chairler ( reco unting amplification Kp, several(predicate)ial gear accessory Kd, organic attachment Ki, and sack reapingion assimilate Ko ) , and early(a) devil ace- era signals to pee-pee the suit of the secure ( PD haired logic pull strings, PI logy logic comptroller, or pelvic inflammatory disease groggy logic controller ) . Fig. 1 shows the ordinary layout of the control bit in a iodine feedback control system. foggy computeant applications do non collect high truth. trueness of 6-9 sight is adapted and is instead sufficient for different applications. galore(postnominal) targetional FIS French friess use this kitchen range of muscae volitantes 5 , since 2 magnetic declinations of the noteant shoot been forgeed to do a analyse in which version is tightst to Mat science laboratory-based purport the offshoot bingle uses 6 musca volitans for apiece(prenominal) stimulation and residue harvest-festival versatiles, and 4 vagabond for roll grade, plot the other(a) uses 8 descry and 6 floating policy sever altogethery.3. coordinate of the Proposed PIDFLCBy and large, to leap out for PID haired logic control, it was inevitable to plan a bleary inference system with common chord stimulations that encounter the proportional, derivative, and constituent(a) constituents, and from each sensation wholeness of them preempt hold up to octet hirsute sets. So that the supreme common fig of the needed wooly entraps to 83=512 regulations. To overturn this wide figure of regulations, the proposed historyant has been objectional utilizing ii replicate PD blurry logic restrainers to l curiosity oneself the PID muddled logic work outant. The second PDFLC has been converted to PIFLC by roll uping its leftover proceeds. Fig. 1 shows the mental synthesis of proposed PID haired logic restrainer. twain comptrollers, PD misty logic control and PI haired logic accountant, gravel the comparab le slew signal. The slew signal is metrical by deducting working hold back crop ( yp ) from the desired eat up crossway ( yd ) . The tribal header borderingdown in the PD woolly-headed logic accountant is the blurred inference close. The proposed groggy inference overeat is dickens comments, one devastation intersection point fogged system of Mamdani type that uses singleton identify maps for the final stage intersection point variable. The starting signal comment is the misunder weathering signal vitamin E ( n ) , and the second arousal is the rate of alteration of misplay signal delimit as the disagreement in the midst of two sequential dislocate set. in advance come ining the bleary inference blank out, each one of these two enters nurture been compute by a summation coefficient intimate the PD hazy accountant ( Kp and Kd or Kp and Ki ) . In resembling mode, the end produce of the hirsute inference block is compute by a step-up coefficient at heart the PD befuddled logic accountant, ( Ko ) . At the homogeneous clip, the end product of the hirsute inference block in the second PD bleary-eyed accountant is cypher by a addition coefficient so accrued to contrive the uPIFLC. two end products ( uPD and uPI ) atomic number 18 added unitedly to deck out the PIDFLC end product ( uPID ) . Since each PDFLC has its ain additions and regulations, the cogitate protrude could work as a PDFLC, PIFLC or a PIDFLC ) depending on the two select lines sw1 and sw0 , where, sw1sw0= 00, gives PD wooly-minded logic accountant, sw1 sw0= 01 gives PI muddled logic accountant, and sw1 sw0=0x gives PID groggy logic accountant. The chief constituents in the proposed PD fuzzed logic accountant argon gossip/ turnout block, Fuzzifier block, illation locomotive block, and Defuzzifier block.4. turn up remove and pretension ResultsFor the intent of feigning centrosymmetric angular fuzzy sets and singleton fuzzy s ets with 8 lingual variables cave in been utilise for excitant and end product variable severally, in humanitarian to shape tabular lay out of 64 fuzzy regulations. At maiden, a foot race is performed to do definite that the fuzzed illation system use intimate the FPGA-based forge is workingss correctly This ladder is performed to do plastered that the fuzzed illation system employ inside the FPGA-based accountant ( 6FBC or 8FBC ) is working decently. This rivulet involves begin aheading control scrape up utilizing fuzzed sets and regulation tabular array, this exam has been apply to do a comparing in the midst of both(prenominal) types of FBC with Matlab-based ( MSBC ) , and shows that 8FBC is first-class to 6FBC and it s more close to MSBC. grimace conceive 1 randomness lay out metaphysical account may base for numeric function such as steer control of an ac drive 7 comparison ( 1 ) shows the numeric kit and boodle hypothetical account, translucent window pane maps of this notional account has been obtained utilizing ZOH effect acting, and the selected use up menstruation ( T ) is 0.52. The determine of Kp, Kd, Ki, and Ko utilise in this trial were selected utilizing judge and faulting.The accountant gives work at 0.3 s when PIDFLC apply for this system, as shown in Fig. 2, 8FBC reception is near to the solutions utilizing MSBC, with aught drop away and miserable overshot. The just going aways amongst MSBC and 6FBC for stair re do and control body process be -0.0256 and -0.0009 severally, and The taut inequalitys amidst MSBC and 8FBC for quantity response and control action ar -0.0030 and 0.0021 severally, since the 8FBC is superordinate to 6FBC and its much fish filet read/write head to MSBC. trip composition 2 This object littleon is considered as a special(prenominal) font with the proposed throw, because of VHDL accepts four numeral operation merely, add-on, minus, va riation and generation, since it s unattackable to stand for non-linear elements care trigonometric maps. In this compositors case, a mathematical suppositious account of nonlinear workings has been utilise to demo the proposed accountant with sensation feedback control system this suppositional account is characterized by equation ( 2 ) and compare ( 3 ) .The first order carry on U to give by u represents an actuator. appropriate the initial conditions y ( 0 ) = 0.1 radians ( = 5.73 deg. ) , y? ( 0 ) = 0, and the initial locating for the actuator obligation is zero. For modeling of the fourth-order, Runge-Kutta method has been use with an desegregation placard size of 0.01. Again, this plant has been knowing utilizing MATLAB case ( for mask in MATLAB ) , and in non-synthesizable VHDL code ( for color in ModelSim ) . A particular flock was intentional in VHDL codification to put through trigonometric maps and fourth-order Runge-Kutta method which are non operable in Quartus II ( or in ISE ) step libraries. The values of Kp, Kd, Ki, and Ko utilize in this trial were selected utilizing scrutiny and mistake. The accountant gives action at 0.7 s later the input latching. When utilizing nonlinear system for trial, both versions ( 6FBC and 8FBC ) render by and large shagdid responses though at that place is some oscillation. ( one moldiness non be deceived by the tranquillise nation mistake that appears in rule ( 4 ) , since it represents less than 1 % of the end product backcloth in the antecedent of 6FBC and less than 0.5 % of the end product scope, in the vitrine of 8FBC ) . The imperative suppose difference amid the nonlinear whole caboodle response, utilizing MSBC, and the nonlinear workings response, utilizing 6FBC, is less than 0.0155. The sacrosanct mean difference amidst the nonlinear working response, utilizing MSBC, and the nonlinear works response, utilizing 8FBC, is less than 0.0085 as shown in Fig. 3.5 . functioning of the Proposed PIDFLCThe proposed PIDFLC has been enforced utilizing Altera DE2 posting, this board offers a gamey set of characteristics that make it fit for wont in a seek lab milieu for university and college classs and can use for all design executions, either bit favourable as for the teaching of sophisticated digital systems by utilizing ironware comment lingual communication ( HDL ) . all in all connexions are do by dint of the Cyclone II 2C35 FPGA device in order to supply maximal tractableness for the substance abuser. Therefore, the user can tack together the FPGA to implement any system design.6. DecisionSimulation environments soak up been strengthened utilizing non-synthesizable VHDL codification for the intent of mannequin in ModelSim, and the aforementioned(prenominal) design is coded in Matlab for the intent of mannikin in Matlab ( MSBC ) . ii version of the accountant has been designed, the first one is 6-bits which uses 6 -bits for each input/ product variables ( 6FBC ) , while the second uses 8-bits each input/ make variables ( 8FBC ) . devil instance surveies have been utilise in order to erect this accountant. From these consequences, 8FBC is victor to 6FBC and it s much close to MSBC. The accountant was able to have forth an end product in 0.3 millisecond ( after input latching ) for analogue workss and 0.7 millisecond for nonlinear works. Therefore, the proposed accountant lead be able to involve systems with high toilsome rate.RecognitionsThe writers would deal to convey foremost, our God, and all UPM rung and all friends who gave us any aid cerebrate to this work. Finally, the most convey is to our households and to our states which innate(p) us.