Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pro-Firearm and Anti-Firearm Information Dissemination Essay

Pro-Firearm and Anti-Firearm Information Dissemination - Essay Example The tools that would no doubt convince someone to join their cause are the â€Å"buzz words† used to embellish violence.   Looking through some of the commentaries and discussions based on this second amendment right to â€Å"bear arms† has not been carried forward to read into the current societal concerns and general civil rights violations, but, rather has continued to be read as if this amendment was written yesterday.   It seems that the country thinks that society should in fact propagate the rights that were afforded during civil war unrest.   The amendment was meant to protect those in the military and fighting for the country to carry weapons (guns) while not out in the Warfield.   By including on the same front page of their website the cause to carry guns by law enforcement along with moving forward with legislation to allow normal everyday workers to carry guns to the workplace clouds the reader into thinking both subjects is one in the same.   Ver y deceitful in this writer’s opinion.The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence (www.bradycampaign.org)On the other end of the spectrum is the anti-violence, anti-gun crusaders that hope to shed light on subjects that the NRA is providing as â€Å"fuzzy logic†.   The Brady Campaign website is also politically motivated by the general feel that one gets when directed to the home page of their site.   Although their site is much simpler to navigate through as opposed to the mass media outlets that the NRA places on their site, the only fallible aspect of their site is that. it is too politically motivated and no so much addressing the non-political psychological student of life. There is more of a feel that the person arriving at their site meant to go there and was not redirected by some other means. The tools that the Brady Campaign uses to have people join their site is the direct and open honesty of what they oppose. For instance, their education of the individual about the â€Å"shoot first law† (Brady Campaign) gives the average citizen a more of an insight as to how powerful the NRA actually is and as their site says, â€Å"in a country where thousands die needlessly every year in gun accidents and violent confrontations, this law is an enormous step backwards in civic responsibility and public safety. What's more, it envisions a society in which fear and distrust are the rule, and reason and responsibility are an endangered species†. (Brady Campaign) A major issue with this shoot first law is their exact astonishment by such organizations as the Million March Moms that if you are not a citizen of these states that have passed these bills to enact these types of laws and visit there, you can be an innocent victim of a shooting due to miscommunication between t he victim and shooter. Which Side is Correct

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